Monday, June 6, 2011

Blog WIP

Hello boys and girls, the blog is still work in progress. I am trying to make it look better, struggling to answer all my business calls and make it back home in time for dinner.

Let me know what you think of the layout. What would you like to see in here??

E3 is coming up... Any specific expectations???

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Welcome Everybody!!!

This is my first Blog. I am wishing right now, that this will be also my last one, since I want it to be succesful and meaningful to all of you guys. Videogames is a medium that is deep rooted inside us for the last 30 years and it is a medium that we all love and adore. I have personally grew along with videogames, from the NES 8-bit days up to the PS3. There are hunderds of games that I adore, so little time to tell you about it. Its my daughter's 10th birthday party today and we're running around around like crazy...! Thank God for this blog though... I am waiting for your feedback!